There's No Business Like Show Business

There's No Business Like Show Business is a song by Irving Berlin, which he composed for the musical Annie Get Your Gun and wrote the lyrics.


The song evokes the glamor and excitement of a life in show business. In the musical, it is sung by members of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, to convince the main character, Annie Oakley, become a member of the show. It is repeated three times in the musical.

Other recordings

The song is also used in the movie of the same, 1954 ( German: rhythm in the blood), where it is sung by Ethel Merman as the lead actress. Filmed by Walter Lang film is a catalog of Berlin's songs.

Sonny Rollins has released a jazz version of the song on his album Work Time. Shirley Bassey, Marilyn Monroe, Gitte Hænning, Liza Minnelli, Frank Sinatra and Harry Connick sang cover versions. In the 1970s, a disco version was recorded. A part of the song was used in the Stephanie Miller Show. The band Negativland used parts of the original Merman recording on their album Fair Use: The Story of the Letter U and the Numeral 2 In the film All That Jazz (1979 ) of the Merman title was also used.
