Thermodynamic state

The state of a system in thermodynamics is characterized by the specification of all state variables required for the differentiation from other states.

State variables include pressure, volume, temperature, amount of substance. These sizes are distinguished by extensive (depending on quantity ) and intensive ( not depending on quantity ).

The individual states are often entered in a phase diagram. This corresponds (depending on application) usually a single point a state in the state space, but sometimes also include all points of a phase line or surface into a single state.

In statistical mechanics there are the following distinction:

  • The micro- state, the individual positions and momenta of all particles are specified, the microstate corresponds a point in phase space.
  • The macro state is an indication of average values ​​such as temperature, pressure and density. At a macro-state are all micro-states that are compatible with the specified state variables.

KZKKZZKK is a special microstate, 5x 3x K and Z is then the macro state, belong to the micro-states (the number is derived from the combinatorics as permutation of objects of two classes K and Z in compliance with the order).
