Theudebald, Duke of Alamannia

Theudebald also Theutbald (*, ? † 746 ) was a Alamannic Duke of 709 to 744 He was the son of Gotfrid and brother of Lantfrid.

After Duke 's death Gotfrids 709 Theudebald took over with his brother Lantfrid the Office of the Alemannic duke. Both brothers stood opposite the Frank House Liar's Dice in bitter enmity in their office.

Monastery bishop Pirmin founded 724 under the protection of the mayor of the palace, Charles Martel, the monastery of Reichenau in the middle of the Alemanni Duchy of what was perceived by Lantfrid and Theudebald as a provocation. Theudebald sales 727 the abbot Pirmin whether odium Karoli ( out of hate for Karl) and 732 the successor Abbot Heddo from the monastery of Reichenau.

730 Charles Martel led a campaign against the Dukes Theudebald and Lantfrid. Lantfrid died in the same year and Theudebald then took over the sole Duke Office.

742 to Theudebald rose along with the Vascones, Bavarians and Saxons in Alsace against the house Meier Carloman and Pippin III. 743 suffered Theudebald and the Bavarians Duke Odilo a defeat at Lech against both home Meier. After a new uprising against Pippin in 744 Duke Theudebald of Pippin was defeated and thrown out of office and dignity.


  • Hermann of Reichenau: Chronicon. In: Rudolf Buchner, Werner Trillmich (ed.): Sources of the 9th and 10th century, the history of the Hamburg Church and the Empire, ( Freiherr vom Stein Memorial Issue 11 ), Darmstadt 1961, pp. 615-707.