Thomas Girtin

Thomas Girtin ( born February 18, 1775 in London, † November 9, 1802 ibid ) is one of the most famous Landschaftsaquarellisten England. In 1789 he was apprenticed to Edward Dayes and 1794 had his first exhibition at the Royal Academy. In the same year Girtin worked with William Turner for his patron Thomas Monro. As a 21 -year-old, the young artist traveled through England and was inspired by the cities, which has strongly influenced his drawings. Girtin's greatest challenge was the picture Eidometropolis, a painted in oil panorama of huge size. Girtin put much emphasis on accuracy and subtle drawings. In 1800 he married Mary Ann Borrett, the then brought their son Thomas Calvert to the world one year. Girtin suffered from asthma and died in 1802 at the age of 27 years in his hometown of London.
