Thomas Sheraton

Thomas Sheraton ( * 1751 in Stockton -on-Tees, England; † October 22, 1806 ) was a furniture designer and along with Thomas Chippendale and George Hepplewhite one of the three great English furniture manufacturer ( "The Big Three" ) of the 18th century.


Sheraton went with a local cabinet maker in Stockton -on-Tees in the teaching and worked for a time as a journeyman until he finally retired at the age of 39 years to London. There he settled down as a consultant and instructor for furniture design and architecture and taught craftsmen and businesses. It is not clear on what type Sheraton appropriated the necessary knowledge or obtained the necessary level of awareness, but it is clear that he was quite successful as a design teacher.

In 1791 he began publishing a four-volume work entitled The Cabinet Maker 's and Upholsterer Drawing Book. At least six hundred cabinet makers and other subscribers ordered the work and so his style won abruptly great influence on the cabinet making in the country. During this time hosted Sheraton itself is not a single work seminar so that it is assumed today that he probably has not made ​​a single one of the furniture pieces themselves, which were presented in his books. In any case, there are of any piece of furniture from that time the direct evidence that it comes from his own hand. All pieces that bear the endorsement " by Sheraton " or described as such, is related to the design and not the manufacturer.

1803 published by Sheraton The Cabinet Dictionary, a manual with instructions and techniques for furniture and chair manufacturing. A year before his death he published in 1805 the first volume of a planned encyclopedia entitled Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer and General Artist's Encyclopaedia.

Sheraton's name now stands for the English furniture style of the 90s of the 18th to the early years of the 19th century. Not all drawings are by his own hand, however, be more significant influence on the cabinet making this time is undisputed that this era was named after him.
