
Thorntons plc. is one of the largest chocolate manufacturers in Great Britain. The firm specializes in fine chocolates and toffees.


Thorntons was founded in 1911 by Joseph Thornton Confectionery in Sheffield. Since then, the company has established itself in the UK as the most successful manufacturer of chocolate specialties. Attempts to leave the company in continental Europe, especially France and Belgium foothold, were made ​​in the last 20 years, but are failed. Since then, the company strives again targeted to the publicity in the UK, where it still has its headquarters.

Although the year 2003, sales rose to 167.1 million pounds, revenue fell to 9.4 million pounds. This negative trend was found for the company in the fact that 35 % of the revenue made ​​during the festive season, are now employed in temporary workers to meet the onslaught of justice. In response to this state of affairs a broad advertising campaign was triggered. In this context, it is probably the first fully -charged chocolate billboard mention that broke with dimensions of 4.4 mx 2.9 m and a weight of 390 kg records and a great advertising success was. It consisted of 10 chocolate bunnies, 72 chocolate eggs and 128 chocolate panels, each weighing about 2 kg.


Are famous for their Thorntons Continental and Special Toffee, which account for about half of sales. Also produces Thorntons chocolates, different types chocolate bars and candy bars, all of which are sold under its own name in the 400 company-owned stores or via the Internet.
