Three-striped Warbler

Three stripes Warbler ( Basileuterus tristriatus )

The Three Stripes Warbler ( Basileuterus tristriatus ) is a small passerine bird in the genus Basileuterus in the family of warblers ( Parulidae ).


The wing length is 5.9 to 6.3 inches in the male, the female, 5.8 to 6.2 centimeters. Adults Three Stripes Warbler and young birds from the first year to wear a yellow to yellow- orange crown stripe, black crest side strips and a wide Superciliarstreifen which reaches down to the neck and depending on the subspecies is white to yellow. In many subspecies is located underneath the eye half -moon -shaped yellow stripe, eyes and cheek stripes are black and go behind the eye into each other. The top plumage varies between the subspecies of olive green on olive brown to grauoliv; the underside plumage is yellow.


The distribution area extends from Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru to Bolivia. Three stripes Warbler inhabit cloud forests and forest edges at altitudes of 300-2700 meters; however, are mostly between 1000 and 2000 meters encountered. The subspecies Basileuterus t. punctipectus also comes up to heights of 3000 meters before.


There are twelve recognized subspecies:

  • Basileuterus tristriatus tristriatus ( Tschudi, 1844) - From the southern Ecuador to northern Peru
  • Basileuterus tristriatus auricular Sharpe, 1885 - Colombia, Venezuela
  • Basileuterus tristriatus meridanus Sharpe, 1885 - Venezuela
  • Basileuterus tristriatus daedalus Bangs, 1908 - Colombia, Ecuador
  • Basileuterus tristriatus bessereri Hellmayr, 1922 - Northern Venezuela
  • Basileuterus tristriatus baezae Chapman, 1924 - Ecuador
  • Basileuterus tristriatus tacarcunae Chapman, 1924 - Panama, Colombia
  • Basileuterus tristriatus punctipectus Chapman, 1924 - Central Bolivia
  • Basileuterus tristriatus chitrensis Griscom, 1927 - Costa Rica, Panama West
  • Basileuterus tristriatus Canens Room, 1949 - West Bolivia
  • Basileuterus tristriatus inconspicuus Room, 1949 - Southeastern Peru to the north-east of Bolivia
  • Basileuterus tristriatus pariae Phelps & Phelps, 1949 - Northeast Venezuela

