Three Worlds Theory

The theory of the three worlds (abbreviation :三个 世界 理论, traditional characters :三个 世界 理论; Pinyin: SAn gè Shijie lǐlùn ), also called "three worlds theory " was supposedly developed by Mao Zedong and later on under Hua Guofeng state doctrine applicable.

In the years under Hua Guofeng China held the view found a new world war was " inevitable due to the growing contradictions between the capitalist and the socialist world " - even on this question had in the early 1960s due to the political and ideological conflict with the Soviet Union that emanated from the possibility of permanent peaceful coexistence of socialism and " imperialism." Now, however, the Soviet Union was even accused of being the most dangerous warmongering power.

Content of the theory

The three-world theory described as the "first world " imperialist " superpower " USA and the Soviet Union, where the " social imperialism " after Chinese thought wayward socialism in the mid- 1950s " revisionist " Soviet Union the main enemy and even more dangerous and aggressive is as U.S. imperialism. " ... Since 1978 include the United States of America only due to [to, first World ' WP ]. "

As a " second world" were the industrial nations, although the "third world " exploited, but were themselves under the influence of the " superpowers " and had an interest, to free themselves from subjection to their supremacy. In the " third world" developing countries ( socialist countries such as China, Bulgaria, Romania and Mongolia included), as their spokesperson China at that time still saw, was also in the first line of the struggle against the " hegemony " of the " superpowers " as critical stresses (see also non-aligned countries ). China's diplomacy now tried to bring about a rapprochement between the "third " and "second " world and a strengthening of the position of the countries of Europe in the fight against " hegemonism " of the Soviet Union: " The object of the Second World ... ," said Erwin Wickert, West German Ambassador in China from 1976 to 1980, "is to isolate in association with the Third World and the United States, the Soviet Union and its hegemony is to oppose. "

Policy Implications

Practical consequences of this theory were part of China's support of movements or organizations whose policies regardless of their political orientation was directed against the Soviet Union, such as the support of sustained by the United States UNITA in Angola, which fought against the local left-wing MPLA government. In the Third World countries and in developed countries, including also in the FRG, this theory led to a new orientation of the policy of the K - groups that partially or fully adopted this theory or rejected outright. The Peking Review published in 1977 and 1978, many comments Marxist- Leninist parties which supported the theory of the three worlds.

Ideological meaning

Erwin Wickert, West German Ambassador to China from 1976 to 1980, wrote about the ideological significance of this theory: " ... you used ... the, three-world theory ' to explain an already initiated foreign policy and justify it a socialist country allowed to maintain good and friendly relations with governments also very diverse backgrounds to conservative and socialist governments, and even to the military regime in Chile - if they can be classified only in the anti-Soviet united front. That such a contrived construction is no longer exportable and the oppressed peoples of the world can no longer inspire revolutionary liberation struggles, is obvious. It is intended only for personal use and low only for a certain time and world political situation. "
