Threestripe corydoras

Whitetail catfish ( Corydoras trilineatus )

The whitetail catfish ( Corydoras trilineatus ) is a commonly -held aquarium catfish of the genus Corydoras. He is often called " Leopard catfish " and traded with the confused julii C. and C. leopardus. The C. is julii but dotted in most cases and not striped, while the C. leopardus the langschnäuzige counterpart to C. trilineatus.

The " trilineatus " comes from Latin and means dreistreifig. Known synonyms are: C. episcopi and C. dubius.


The whitetail armored catfish native to fast-flowing rivers in the middle reaches of the Amazon, including mainly include in Peru: the Rio Yavari, Rio Huytoyacu, Rio Yasuni, Rio Nanay and Rio Ambiacu in Ecuador: the Rio Pastaza, and the Rio Ampiyacu and Rio Morona.


The male of the whitetail catfish is up to 5 cm and the females up to 6 cm in size, the achievable age is 5 to 10 years. The silvery - gray animals with black pattern are drawn very variable. Like most armored catfish Corydoras trilineatus also lives in small flocks predominantly at the bottom of the water, but requires Darmatmer as well as free access to the water surface.

Fins formula: Dorsal 1/7, Anal seventh

Hunting and

For entertainment in the aquarium, it is important that it is kept in a shoal of at least 5 animals and a lot of hiding places in the aquarium are available. Suitable values ​​are a water temperature of 22 ° C to 27 ° C and a pH value of 6.0 to 7.5. The water hardness should have d at a KH value of 2 ° to 5 ° and a GH of 2 ° to 15 ° d. The aquarium should be at least 60 liters.


The whitetail catfish is omnivorous ( omnivorous ) and feeds on algae, detritus, small animals and plant parts. Live food ( brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, tubifex ), frozen food and dry food ( pellets, flake food ) and vegetables: In the aquarium fish feed is the following.


In the wild, the armored catfish perform after the rainy season when the water has warmed up again, their species-typical mating behavior, since a lot of suspended solids and thus prey animals are in the water after the rainy season.

Most likely to succeed in the proliferation in the aquarium after the rainy season, modeled on one to three -day cooling water by two to three degrees and rich feeding, with subsequent reheating. Best used breeding groups with a ratio of two males to one female together; the animals mate in nature in larger groups. The animals make a special mating behavior in which the male circles the female and strong twitches, the female cleans certain areas of the aquarium ( discs and leaf undersides ) to then it to staple the (100 ) eggs, which are then fertilized the male. The eggs should be separated from the mature animals. At 26 to 28 ° C, the larvae need to hatch about 5 days. The larvae are very small and almost transparent. Two to three days after hatching, when the yolk sac is depleted, the larvae can be fed with newly hatched Artemia. Later finest flake food can be given.
