
Thrombus (plural thrombi of Greek θρόμβος Thrombos, "lump, graft "; coagulum ) is the medical term for a blood clot (eg, a blood clot ) in a blood vessel. However, the term is used to clot the extravascular blood clots. Thrombi can also occur in both the venous and the arterial portion of the circulatory system. A thrombus can block the vessel as sessile thrombus at its point of origin or it can come off, be swept away by the blood stream and cause elsewhere blockages that lead there to failure of the blood supply of organs. In this case it is called an embolism or thromboembolism, the blood clot is then referred to as an embolus.

The induced thrombus diseases include the infarction, thrombosis, or as a consequence of pulmonary embolism.

Thrombi formed after vascular injury, by disturbances of blood coagulation ( hemostasis ) or strongly slowed blood flow rate. In the latter case, blood clots can also form spontaneously and without previous injury or other external influences. In many cases, thrombi are even now resolved by the healthy body without causing the above-mentioned diseases. At necropsy the pathologist in vivo resulting thrombi must be distinguished from a body clot. The latter can be pulled out easily from the affected vessel, since it is not connected with the vessel wall.

Types of thrombi

After composition

  • White thrombus ( Abscheidungsthrombus ): fibrinreicher thrombus
  • Red thrombus ( thrombus ): blood -rich thrombus
  • Platelet thrombus: thrombus, which consists primarily of platelets
  • Fibrin thrombus: thrombus, which consists of only fibrin.
  • Phlebolith: and veins stone, a calcified dystrophic calcinosis in Venenthrombus

After origin

  • Arterial thrombus: mostly mural thrombus formed predominantly by platelets and fibrin.
  • Venenthrombus: by stasis often educated in the area of the flaps red thrombus

Inhibitors of thrombus

  • Platelet agents such as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, and only in arterial thrombi)
  • Heparin
  • 4- hydroxycoumarins, eg phenprocoumon
  • Thrombinantagonisten
  • Clopidogrel