
The Thule - Seminar is an association of " intellectual right-wing ." As the founder and leading theorist of the organization shall be the French journalist Pierre cancer.


The Thule - Seminar ( " Working Group for the Study of European culture eV ") was established in July 1980 in Kassel. As founding members, in addition to cancer called, among other things Wigbert Grabert and wife Marie Louise Grabert, Hans -Günther Grimm and Hans -Michael Fiedler. First chairman was Pierre cancer, which is its director until today. The name refers to the ethnic Thule Society.

Coinciding with the first book publication of the Thule -Seminar, " The imperishable heritage. Alternatives to the principle of equality, "which appeared in the Grabert -Verlag, could bring together Wigbert Grabert 1981 authors such as Armin Mohler, Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye and Hans Jürgen Eysenck ( preface). However, the influence of the Thule -Seminar remained low, and the publications sold sluggishly. This led in 1983 to the separation. Since then, led the seminar on cancer alone.

The logo of the Thule -Seminar consists of a Tiwaz Rune, which is crossed by a Wolf Angel or Sowilo Rune. It is also used in combination with the sign of the "black sun " or in front of a stylized eagle.

Objectives and contents

According to Ines Aftenberger the Thule - Seminar includes a distinctive neo-paganism and propagates a " European rebirth as a pagan- metaphysical alternative". A connection with the pagan heritage illustrates the distinctive mark, consisting of a 12 sigrunen symbol of the Black Sun. Thule - Seminar was mainly influenced by the Nouvelle Droite, which propagated an Indo-Germanic paganism. On the ideological orientation of German New Right Thule - Seminar gained no major impact because many legal intellectuals continue to be based on the model of the Christian West.

After the presentation of the Thule -Seminar were to protect the " types " of Europe before the " genetic material " of immigrants. Europe could only be "born again" as soon as this requirement was implemented. A basic goal of the Thule -Seminar is the suppression of pluralism and the " open society ": "The egalitarianism in its different variants: Christianity, Judaism, Marxism and liberalism is the main cause of the deep decadence of the modern world. "

Edited by Herbert Grabert journal Germany in the past and present was initially also release organ of the Thule - Seminar. The organ of communication represent the irregularly appearing Thule letters, and journal items. The Metapo magazine was founded in 1999/2000 and should appeal to a younger audience. After four editions, it was reinstated.

The constitutional protection of the federal and various state agencies arrange the Thule - Seminar as a right-wing extremist.

The Thule - Seminar sees itself as an elite for the modernization of right-wing and the production of a cultural hegemony, ie the influence of the public toward their world view.
