
As a preview, image preview, thumbnail ( from the Italian " Miniatura " ) or thumbnail (English for "Thumbnail Image " or " Thumbnail "; actually " thumbnails " ) are small digital graphics or images referred to, which serve as a preview for a larger version.

Technical details

The use of preview images may have different reasons. Have small images (possibly with image compression ) because of the small file size and load faster than large, which is especially the Internet comes into play. The loading time of a website is often directly dependent on the images contained therein, because pictures almost always make up the majority of the dataset one side dar. So if a page on large images omitted to improve the load time, it can be ensured through the use of preview images are that the visitor will still missed no detail in the appearance of the website. The visitor can decide on the basis of the previews, which of the image he wants to view in full size. Usually, a simple click on the thumbnails enough. Most thumbnails are additionally compressed.

Another reason to use thumbnails, which is space saving. Many images can be accommodated in such a confined space. The visitor can get a quick overview and zoom individual pictures if necessary. Thus, the limited space of a page used effectively and attractiveness are enhanced by interactivity on.

With increasing computing power previews are nowadays already automatically generated by search engines, image editing and image management programs and modern user interfaces such as Windows, KDE and GNOME.

Copyright regulations must be observed when using thumbnails always.

Decision of the Federal

After a decision of the Federal filed a lawsuit of an artist was dismissed, the publication of her pictures - wanted to ban the Internet - even as thumbnails. Preview images are the opinion of the Supreme Court "is not only a public announcement or description of its contents ," according to § 12 paragraph 2 of the Copyright Act, but will provide the relevant works fully again and allowed " the work already enjoy. "

Pictures of Thumbnail
