
Thunar (named after the Norse god Thor) is the default file manager designed for unix -like operating systems work environment Xfce since version 4.4 RC1, but can also be used without this.

It was originally developed by Benedikt Meurer under the name Filer to the perceived as too complicated file manager Xffm ( developed under the name of Rodent ) to replace Xfce, and later renamed due to a name conflict.

The main development objective of the Thunar developers is a fast, technically clean programmed and easy -to-use file manager for Xfce. In particular, it should start faster and be more efficient and faster to use than other known Unix graphical file manager like GNOME's Nautilus and KDE's Dolphin / Konqueror. Another design goal of the project is accessibility, which is sought by means of assistance techniques such as the Accessibility Toolkit ( ATK ). Incidentally, Thunar - like all Xfce components - anxious, desktop standards such as the implementation of

The user interface of Thunar can be both a based address bar and buttons with a toolbar, including address line used. The optional on-screen sidebar serves as either a tree view of the Ordnerstrukter the file system or as a bookmark bar. Furthermore, Thunar be provided with custom actions and provides a plug-in API. The following interfaces (APIs) provides Thunar Plugin for programmers to:

  • Thunar -vfs provides an interface to file system operations.
  • Thunarx provides a library of ready to create extensions for Thunar.