Tianzhen County

The circle Tianzhen (Chinese:天 镇 县) belongs to the administrative area of the prefecture-level city of Datong in the Chinese province of Shanxi. It has an area of 1635 km ² and has about 210,000 inhabitants.

The Shaliangpo Tombs ( Shaliangpo Muqun沙 梁 坡 墓群) from the time of the Han Dynasty and the Ciyun Temple ( Ciyun si慈云寺) are since 2006 on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China.

40.41761114.078903Koordinaten: 40 ° 25 'N, 114 ° 5' O

Chengqu - Datong - Guangling - Hunyuan - Kuang - Lingqiu - Nanjiao - Tianzhen - Xinrong - Yanggao - Zuoyun

  • Place in Shanxi
  • County / banner ( China)