Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes (suffect consul 133)

Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes († about 137 ) was a Roman senator of the 2nd century AD

Herod was the son of Tiberius Claudius Hipparchus, whose goods were confiscated by the emperor Domitian. His son was the orator and patron of Herodes Atticus. Supposedly become rich through a treasure trove, he was probably 99 /100 to 102/103 legate of Judaea. Included in the senatorial order of the Emperor Hadrian, Herod held the Suffektkonsulat in the year 133.

As Patronomos of Sparta Herod monitored with six colleagues, the Agoge. He was also a high priest of the emperor in Athens, probably between 97 and 102 in the theater of Dionysus, his name on a seat of honor. His numerous statues and monuments were built.
