
Tieling (Chinese铁岭 市/铁岭 市, pinyin Tieling Shì ) is a prefecture-level city in north China's Liaoning province. With a total population of 3.061 million inhabitants ( 2010) Tieling is the sixth-largest prefecture-level city of the province. 970 000 of them live in the districts, the rest of the surrounding area.

Administrative Divisions

The prefecture-level city of Tieling is made at the county level from two districts, two urban districts and three counties. These are:

  • City Yinzhou District -银 州 区Yinzhou Qū;
  • City District Qinghe -清河 区Qinghe Qū;
  • Diaobingshan City -调兵山市Diaobingshan Shì;
  • Kaiyuan City -开原市Kaiyuan Shì;
  • Circle Tieling -铁岭县Tiělǐng Xiàn;
  • Xifeng county -西丰县Xifeng Xiàn;
  • Changtu County -昌图 县Changtu Xiàn.