Tietze syndrome

When Tietze 's syndrome, Chondroosteopathia costal, Crohn Tietze, is a rare and painful swelling pressure of unknown cause that usually occurs in the area of the sternum approach the 2nd or 3rd rib and heals again within months. There is no sign of infection.

Was the first to describe Alexander Tietze (1864-1927) with his 1921 published work " About a peculiar accumulation of cases of dystrophy of the rib cartilage. " In the Berlin weekly clinical.


An occurrence in children is possible. The six cases described by Gill in Zambia were 23-38 years old. An accumulation in old age without emphasis on gender differences is given in the literature again and again. To be considered here is that most people are often carefully clarified at that age, in which a coronary heart disease is more likely and a corresponding concern understandable and Tietze Syndrome only then receives a scientific attention.

Affected representations in private practice or the emergency department of a hospital, because they fear a cardiac cause of their complaints. After all, it is assumed that can be traced back to " musculoskeletal chest pain " or " chest wall pain " up to 30 % of all emergency room visits due to chest pain. The prevalence of Tietze's syndrome itself is too low to make this more precise indications.


To be distinguished is the Tietze syndrome of less specific other musculoskeletal pain of the chest wall, called Kostochondritis or costly easter dimensional syndrome and have no swelling, redness and warmth. The delineation of angina as a symptom of coronary heart disease is in contrast simply because of the swelling, redness and spatially circumscribed, reproducible tenderness without aura. As a rule, it is sufficient to simple physical examination and the following conversation to calm the patient.

However, there is in the medical literature isolated case reports in which other serious diseases such as cancer or tuberculosis have hidden behind the image of a " Tietze's syndrome ".


Secured Clinical studies on the efficacy of various treatment options do not exist. The rapid diagnosis and explanation of the facts contribute significantly to the improvement of symptoms. Anti-inflammatory painkillers ( NSAIDs) as a local application or in tablet form are also part of a symptomatic treatment as the infiltration with a local anesthetic such as lidocaine. An unsatisfactory effect of NSAIDs and rapid effect of a single infiltration is mentioned several times in the medical literature.

The prognosis is good. Constant complaints are not expected.
