Tim Jackson (economist)

Tim Jackson ( born June 4, 1957) is a British Professor of Sustainable Development at the Centre for Environmental Strategy at the University of Surrey. He is Director of the ESRC Research Group on Lifestyles, Values ​​and Environment. Jackson studied mathematics, philosophy and physics.

Jackson creates in his works an economic model that does not require growth. He calls for an adjustment to the current manifestation of capitalism, which is based on constant growth and " completely at odds with our scientific knowledge of the finite resource base of our planet and the fault-prone ecology, on which depends our survival " stand. It represents the development of an economy that produced highly localized to services and sustainable freight sets.

This development provides for reduced working hours before, on the one hand increase the well-being of employees, on the other hand, are intended to reduce the ongoing, generating growth of productivity growth ( degrowth ). Advertising on public television should be drastically limited. In public goods such as museums, parks and educational institutions should be invested stronger. According to Jackson it was important " that you offer people viable alternatives to the lifestyle as a consumer. "


  • Material Concerns: pollution, profit, and quality of life. SEI, Stockholm Environment Institute; London, New York: Routledge, 1996 ISBN 0415132495.
  • Prosperity without growth. 1st edition. oekom verlag, Munich 2011 ( Original title: Prosperity without Growth - economics for a finite planet, translated by Eva Leipprand ), ISBN 978-3865812452. Abstract