Tione di Trento

Tione di Trento is a municipality with 3595 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) the province of Trento in the Italian region Trentino -Alto Adige. It is located in Val Rendena in the valley community Giudicarie ( Judicaria ).


Tio is located at the middle Sarca, where she turns at the junction of the channels from the Val di Breguzzo of South - east-bound. The area lies on the border of the mountain groups of Adamello, Brenta and Lake Garda northern mountains.

Tione di Trento is surrounded by the following municipalities Judicaria: Ragoli, Villa Rendena Preore, Bleggio Inferiore, Bleggio Superiore, Bondo, Bolbeno, Bolbeno, Breguzzo Zuclo, Roncone, Lardaro Concei and Pieve di Bono.


In the Middle Ages Tione was one of the seven parishes of Judicaria (It.: Sette Pievi Giudicarie ). In spite of belonging to the Bishopric of Trent This enjoyed a certain independence, which remained in the days of the Habsburg monarchy. Only with the inclusion in the Kingdom of Italy in 1919 this autonomy was at an end. By 1928, the community only Tione said.


3573 inhabitants live in it (as of September 2012) to 33.3 km ².

Tione di Trento has about 1470 households. According to figures of the National Institute of statistics show the population exceeded in the period 1991-2001 by 5.7 %.


  • Paolo Pangrazzi (* 1988), skier
  • Guido Mala Carne, former judge and treasurer of the FIE ( Federation Internationale d' Escrime )