Tiradentes (Minas Gerais)

Tiradentes on the map of Minas Gerais

Tiradentes is a place and a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, at an altitude of 927 meters above sea level, a population of 6,966 (2009) inhabitants and a total area of ​​83.209 km ².


Its history goes back to the Brazilian start-up and discovery time back as the Bandeirantes thus began to explore inland. In 1702 they arrived in the region now known as Tiradentes. 1718, the town was founded.

In 1889, in Brazil, the Republic was proclaimed, one named the city after the popular liberation fighters Tiradentes.

Economy, transport, tourism

Today Tiradentes lives mainly from tourism because it is a historical site. In addition, many artists have settled in the town and its surroundings. From São João del Rei a neighboring performs a historic rail line to Tiradentes. Here runs the 100-year old steam locomotive Maria Fumaça today as a tourist attraction. The Serra de São José is another attraction for tourists as it is a natural state forest area in the mountains here.

Historical Buildings

  • The church Matriz de Santo Antonio (1710/1736) was built with rococo organ in Porto / Portugal. At the design of the church also the master of Brazilian sculpture art Aleijadinho was involved later.
  • The church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Preto (1708/1727) was built by slaves. On the side altars you find pictures of African deities of Candomblé in Syncretism /.
  • The church of Nossa Senhora das Mercês dos Pretos Crioulos from the 18th century (exact date unknown) was the ancestral church of the " Crioulos ," the mulatto and was built by a corresponding Brotherhood, " Irmandade dos Homens Pardo ". It contains, among other things, an interesting altar in rococo style.
  • The old well Chafariz de São José in 1749, with three gargoyles and a terracotta sculpture of the " São José de Botas " delivers water from a stone aqueduct, which is fed by sources in the Serra de São José surrounding the city. The fountain is still used for drinking, washing clothes or to soak animals.
  • Location in Minas Gerais