Titanic prime

The term titanic prime (english titanic prime (number) ) was coined by Samuel Yates and denote a prime number with at least 1000 decimal places. The first titanic primes in the form 10999 n, n = 7, 663, 2121, 2593, 3561, 4717, 5863, 9459, 11239, 14397, 17289, 18919, 19411, 21667, 25561, 26739, 27759, 28047, 28437, 28989, 35031, 41037, 41409, 41451, 43047, 43269, 43383, 50407, 51043, 52507, 55587, 59877, 61971, 62919, 63177, ... ( sequence A074282 in OEIS )

Someone who has found a titanic prime by Samuel Yates, is a titanium ( titanium- English ).


Gigantic prime

A gigantic prime (English gigantic prime (number) ) is a prime number with at least 10,000 decimal places. The first gigantic prime is 109999 33603.

Mega prime

A mega prime (English mega prime (number) ) is a prime number with at least one million decimal places. There are currently 25 known mega primes.


A Bevaprimzahl (English bevaprime (number) ) is a prime number with 1,000,000,000 decimal places. However, so far no Bevaprimzahl is known.
