Titusz Dugovics

Titus Dugovic or Tito Dugovic ( kyr. Титус / Тито Дуговић, Hungarian: Titusz Dugovics, *, † July 21, 1456 in Belgrade ) was a Serbian soldier who was stationed at the time of the siege of Belgrade by the Ottomans in Belgrade. He was raised by his death and the successful defense of Belgrade after the repulse of the Ottomans hero.

Belgrade was in his time under the command of John Hunyadi. From 4 to July 22, 1456, Sultan Mehmed II besieged Belgrade. After previous violent battles Ottoman troops attacked on July 21, 1456 at the walls of Belgrade. A Janissary succeeded, as the legend tells, to climb a turret and to hoist the Ottoman flag, when it was thrown down at the same moment the soldier Dugovic. Here, Dugovic rushed to the Ottoman flag bearer in the depth and prevented the erection of the banner.

The heroic act was related to the repulse of the Ottomans, the defenders of Belgrade in memory. 1859, at the time of the continuous loss of power of the Ottoman Empire in South-East Europe, attacked the Hungarian painter Sándor Wagner on the legend and held the scene of the fall of the Ottoman flag bearer Dugovic and oil resistant.

Josip Broz should have given up after Titus Dugovic his pseudonym Tito, as the CPY was banned in Yugoslavia.


  • Welcome to Dugovic
  • Serbian soldier Titus Dugovic
  • Person in the Turkish wars
  • Historical person ( South East Europe)
  • Person (Serbian history )
  • Born in the 14th or 15th century
  • Died in 1456
  • Man