The Trademark Extensible Markup Language (TM- XML) ( English for " extensible markup language for Trademarks") is an open XML standard for the business in terms of brands and the exchange of brand formations between the authorities for Intellectual Property and its partners or users.


The original goal was to define an XML standard for the exchange of proprietary information. In the course of specifications and after the creation of WIPO Standard ST.66 following additional objectives were added:

  • Definition of XML standards for trademark offices and the business in terms of brands
  • Development of useful templates as a basis for the creation of WIPO Standard
  • Setting standards for branded web services
  • Providing implementation examples and instruments
  • Exchange of experiences, practices and knowledge
  • Promoting cooperation and harmonization of trademark information and knowledge representations
  • ( New) preparation of the future Semantic Web in the field of trademarks in connection with the intellectual property


The TM- XML standard has been set by a working group that had set up for the internal market in June 2003, the Office for Harmonization. After eight drafts for comment ( versions 0.1 to 0.7 and the preliminary version 1.0), the final version 1.0 was on 26 May 2006 on the website published TM The final TM- XML Version 1.0 was the basis for the creation of a WIPO standard and is called ST.66, which by the Standing Committee on Information Technology and the Working Group standardization and documentation at its 8th meeting on March 19 to 22 was adopted in Geneva in 2007.

Timetable 2010-2015

Related standards

  • DS- XML is an XML standard for design ( product design )