
In the traditional culture of the Māori of New Zealand, a tohunga is an expert practitioner every conceivable skill or art, whether in the context of religion, or in other areas. Tohunga can be both so knowledgeable priests and healers, navigators, home builders, artist, boat builder, teacher, or counselor. The equivalent term in the Hawaiian culture is " Kahuna " (see Huna ).

As part of the Polynesian society, the experts took the second highest position after the kings and chiefs. Their knowledge was passed down in the family from generation to generation.


Some examples according to Sir Peter Buck ( Buck 1974, p 474)

  • Tohunga ahurewa: Priest of the highest category.
  • Tohunga kiato: priests of the lowest category.
  • Tohunga Matakite: soothsayer, seer.
  • Tohunga Whakairo: home builders.
  • Tohunga TATAI Arorangi: astronomer.
  • Tohunga Tarai waka: Builder.