
Tolisa is a village in the canton of Posavina in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The village is located about four kilometers west of the capital Orašje on the right bank of the Sava, at the mouth of the river Tolisa.


Tolisa is first mentioned in the 13th century and is often associated with the first elementary school. The name Tolis comes from ancient Greek and means something like " turbid river," which refers to the river Tolisa.


Politically Tolisa part of the municipality and the county Orašje Posavina. By area, it is one of the larger towns in the municipality Orašje and has an area of ​​121.8 km ². In the north Tolisa borders Croatia, on the southeast by the Brcko District, in the south of the Republika Srpska and in the west on the community Domaljevac - Šamac. In 2007, the population was about 3420.

The school

In the first half of the 19th century there were many floods in Bosnia, many residents were seriously ill and everywhere widespread poverty and misery. Due to poor living conditions, only a few had the need for writing skills and there were only private schools were allowed to visit only privileged students. In 1823 there was a major historical change in terms of the education system in Bosnia. Franciscan Ilija Starčević got permission to build because of its merits, the first elementary school in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the same year the school was built in the center of the village Tolisa. Throughout history, it was demolished and rebuilt several times in different places again. Now it is slightly larger than before, opposite the place where the first primary school was.

Church and the Franciscan monastery in Tolisa

The Franciscan monastery in Tolisa dates from the mid -19th century. At the time of Ottoman rule in Bosnia, all monasteries were destroyed in the 17th century, so many Catholics left the area and settled on the opposite bank of the Sava River. It was not until the mid-18th century, mentions the Catholic churches and monasteries in history. 1784 the parish Tolisa has separated from the parish of Ravna and has been appointed an independent parish in 1802. At the beginning of the 19th century Tolisa was of great importance as a cultural and religious center. In 1862 the foundation stone of the monastery was laid. The current monastery library and museum was built in 1923. In 1864 they started the largest church in Bosnia and Herzegovina to build ( 58 × 20 m), which was built in 1881 finished. Architecturally, the church is a three-nave pillar basilica with two church towers. Due to the unique shape of the spiers is " Uznesenje Blazene Djevice Marije " different from all the other churches in Bosnia.
