
Tolu ( Balsamum tolutanum ) is a yellowish -brown to reddish-brown, viscous to solid, resinous mass of aromatic, vanilla- odor and sour taste from the resin of the balsam tree ( Myroxylon balsamum var balsamum and Myroxylon balsamum var genuinum ).


To obtain Tolubalsam cutting the bark an acute angle. The fresh balsam is brown yellow and viscous, it will air harden to a brittle, easily friable mass.


Tolu balsam consists of about 12 to 15% of cinnamic acid and benzoic acid, 40% benzyl and other esters of these acids, and also from resins, vanillin, and about 1.5 to 3% essential oils. Another ingredient of Tolu is the terpene Guajadien.


Tolu balsam is insoluble in water and petroleum ether, the most part soluble in alcohol, benzene, chloroform, ether, acetic acid, carbon disulfide and an alkali.


He was formerly used in medicine as an expectorant for coughs. Today it is used in perfumery as a fixative component to communicate warm sweetness. Tolu balsam is used in microscopy as embedding. Sometimes it is used as incense, especially if real incense is difficult to obtain or too expensive. The resulting scent reminiscent of chocolate. However, the smoke of the Balsams strongly irritates the respiratory tract and dissolves quickly violent coughing from.

By dry distillation of tolu received Sainte -Claire Deville in 1844 first time in toluene.
