
18.8 - 99.666666666667Koordinaten: 18 ° 48 'N, 99 ° 40 ' W

Tonatico is a municipality in the Mexican state of México. The municipality had in the year 2010 12.099 inhabitants and 3,214 households; 11% of the population lived in extreme poverty. The area of ​​the Municipalities is 91.7 km ².

Administrative seat and largest of the 15 places of Municipalities is the same Tonatico. The nearest large towns in the municipality are El Terrero and La Puerta de Santiago.


Tonatico located in the south of the State of Mexico, about 80 km southwest of Mexico City, 50 km west from Cuernavaca and 50 km south of Toluca de Lerdo at an altitude between 1440 m and 2125 m.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Tonatico Ixtapan de la Sal and Zumpahuacán as well as to the state of Guerrero.
