TORCH report

The Other Report on Chernobyl, short TORCH, is a 2006 -created by Ian Fairlie and David Sumner report on the health consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. The study was commissioned by the Green MEP Rebecca Harms. It was supported by the Altner - Combecher Foundation for Ecology and Peace.

After presentation of the report, the recent reports by the IAEA, UNSCEAR and the Chernobyl Forum underestimate the actual health to a significant degree. In particular, the official reports barely walk to the contamination of European regions outside the disaster center ( the border between Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine) a.

Furthermore, the authors estimate the proportion of radioactive fission products 131I and 137Cs significantly higher than the official data of the Belarusian government and the IAEA. TORCH finds that 40 % of the total land area of Europe have been loaded with at least 4,000 Bq / m² cesium. The collective dose caused so give Fairlie and Summer with 600,000 people Sievert; of which 36% of the population of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia; 53% of the population in the rest of Europe; and 11% to the rest of the world population. By multiplication of dose and risk factor both authors arrive at a total of 30,000 to 60,000 additional cancer deaths worldwide by the year 2056 (ie 70 years after the disaster ). Thus, their estimate is nearly an order of magnitude over the official publications, the expected maximum of about 9,000 additional cancer deaths in the territory of the former Soviet Union.


  • The Other Report on Chernobyl. Summary in German ( PDF, 208 kB)
  • The Other Report on Chernobyl ( English, PDF, 2.3 MB)
  • Chernobyl nuclear disaster