Toronto Alexithymia Scale

The Toronto Alexithymia Scale ( Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS ) is a psychological personality test for detection of alexithymia ( inability to perceive and express emotional needs ).


Developed the test of Bagby et al. (1994 ), after other methods for the investigation of alexithymia insufficient Gütekritierien could be detected. In the original version of 26 items were present in four scales. Due to methodological problems, the test was developed, the new versions are denominated TAS -23 and TAS -20, which then consist of fewer items and scales. In 2001, a German version of the test appeared.


The German version of the TAS -26 consists of 18 items in three scales. The following shall be measured in the corresponding scales: Scale 1: difficulties in identifying feelings Scale 2: difficulties in describing feelings Scale 3: externally oriented thinking style

Leave as examples of the individual scales are called: Scale 1: "I often unclear what I feel right now." Or "When I'm excited, I do not know if I 'm sad, anxious or angry. " Scale 2: "It is easy for me to describe my feelings. " Or " Others say I should show my feelings anymore." Scale 3: "I share other people like my point of view on things with. " Or "I use a lot of my imagination. "

The answers are to be given on a 5- point rating scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = rather not, 3 = neither / nor, 4 = applies more, 5 = strongly agree ).

Implementation and evaluation

The test can be performed as a single test or as a group test for subjects ≥ 14 years. For the duration of five minutes are provided. In each scale, the individual responses are added. The total is formed by the sum of the three scales. A missing value is allowed per scale, which is then replaced by the corresponding average value of the corresponding scale in the evaluation. For the determination of alexithymia a cutoff value of 54 is used. There will be no distinction between age and gender. There is a differentiation with respect to the education possible.

Quality criteria

The Toronto Alexithymia Scale has the following quality criteria:

  • Objectivity: given based on the written, standardized instruction and standardized evaluation.
  • Reliability: The internal consistency of the scales 2 and 3 is satisfactory, the scale 1 and the total scale well. Overall, the internal consistency of α = .67 and between α = .84. The split-half reliability coefficients between r. = .65 And r = .84.
  • Validity: Correlation with the "Leipziger mood questionnaire " ( Hinz, Hessel & Brähler 2003) shows significant correlations (r = .31 ). Other correlations were correlations with the "Questionnaire for the assessment of one's own body " ( Strauss & Richter - Appelt 1996) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems ( Horowitz, Strauss & Kordy 1994) found ( correlations of alexithymia with the low estimate of physical attractiveness and self-confidence as well as with interpersonal problems ).
  • Reasonableness: Due to the short duration of time rather unproblematic. One problem is more of the comprehensibility of the questions by double negation, and the fact that the respondent has to judge about something he may not be aware of.