Touch typing

The ten-finger system for efficient typing ( " typewriting " in Austria ) or writing computer used, so how to enter text using the keyboard. The letter after the ten-finger system is also referred to as " touch typing ", " keyboarding " or "10 -finger touch typing ."

Here, each of the ten fingers is assigned a position on the keyboard and the view remains when writing to the template ( screen or paper). The fingers find "blind" the correct key. The basic position of the fingers is in the middle row of letters, the thumb hovering over the spacebar. The required to achieve each key finger movement, the grip ways impressed you look at when learning a (automation process, motor learning ). Hence the name " keyboarding " is (similar to the English touch typing ) are misleading, because the writer sensed nothing on the keyboard, if necessary, the orientation keys that are in the normal European standard key assignment, the two keys F and J, with a small collection are marked for reactive orientation, the buttons broadly explained ( as Spacebar, Shift ⇧ Enter ↵ right Umschaltfeststeller ⇩ and tab ↹ left, and others), and the resulting horizontal offset of the keyboard lines against each other, as well as several larger distances between keys.

Compared to an unsystematic writing technique allows Zehnfingersystem an increase write speed ( strokes per minute), reducing the error rate and a more ergonomic input technique. Another advantage is the possibility to watch the on results in the monitor and not having to constantly back and herschauen in copying between original text and keyboard. A further increase in efficiency means learning the keyboard shortcuts for program operation on the computer since then do not constantly have to switch between mouse and keyboard and the keyboard input is much faster than moving the mouse to a precise point on the screen.

The terms blind writing and ten fingers are not always the same: there Specialised Blind writing systems or was it also for one-handed operation of keypad keypads ( on the modern computer keyboard right, but also for computing devices ), pocket calculators, and for mobile phone keypads and other portables. In stenography with their two sets of eight and four buttons always rest eight of the ten fingers on the same two keys, so there is just the two thumb grip ways. Also for the operation of graphics programs, where keyboard and mouse operation is necessary, but particularly graphic tablets, there are also one-handed keyboards for five-finger touch-typing.

Write Speed

The achievable write speed depends on the training time as well as the personal ability. Experienced Ten fingers Schreiber reach 200 to 400 strokes per minute with a 10 - minute test. In international competitions up to 900 strokes per minute are being achieved. It also counts with the striking of the shift key and another key, such as accents in French texts. Exception: At World Championships are the lyrics for some time in " characters / min" counted.


In the training can top scorer results of more than 1200 strokes / min afford. Even such, their data acquisition rate is still significantly lower than those achieved with the shorthand.

At the Federal Youth Writing ( a performed annually Writing Competition of the Federal Youth for computers, shorthand and media) can also participate physically disabled. World Championships are held every two years and by the Inter Steno ( International Federation for Information Processing ) are aligned.

Reduction systems

To increase the data acquisition rate when typing, which is currently the world's leading PC - Czech writer since about 1997 develop a reduction system on the computer. The resolution of the shortcut works (as well as substitutions using the "auto correction " of word processing programs ) in real time. On this basis ( keyboard shortcuts ) can be entered, which will be implemented immediately in the long form of the word processing system for certain words abbreviations. Thus, the real stop number is a lot lower than the nominal. This procedure ( " kürzendes keyboarding " ) is - if not yet overly sophisticated - also used in Germany by numerous PC - writers.

A standardized abbreviation list for the most common words is discussed in the German art since 2004 in more detail, although the first publication appeared for this purpose in 1995 (Alfred Waize: "Computer Shorthand ," Series of the research center for word processing ). The reduction technique is in Germany still in its infancy. In Austria and in Italy, where the development is more advanced, keyboard shortcuts (such as in the Czech Republic ) isolated already taught in schools.


The opposite of touch typing is colloquially - caricaturing eagle system ( " circles and stinging " ) and Adler search system called because the fingers circling for untrained writers like an eagle above the keyboard until they have found the right key.

The ten-finger system should strictly Ninefingers system hot because the space bar is struck by most writers every time with the same thumb. One of the two thumb (depending on the liking of the left or the right ) remains in these writers at rest and is not used.

Instruction in touch typing

School instruction in keyboarding are in professional and partly in the general education sector (eg at Bavarian secondary schools and business schools ). In recent years, are also held for elementary school classes and study groups in keyboarding. It has proven to be ergonomically friendly and health to make children already at the beginning of their intensive study of computer keyboards (ie, ages 9 and up ) with the correct mastery of the keyboard familiar. This finding is also in U.S. research on the American elementary school subject " Keyboarding " back. The professional touch typing is in Germany (ideally) taught by a certified teacher of the word processing program or a state-certified teacher of information technology. Can be learned the keyboarding also at community colleges, in clubs or using different software.

Meanwhile, the mnemonics for learning the 10 - touch system is used in public schools, community colleges and other institutions. The mnemonics speaks to both sides of the brain. With entertaining word and image links as it creates visualizations stimuli, the location of each key supposedly much faster and more durable in memory to anchor than traditional learning methods. In addition to the mnemonics and relaxation techniques are used.

Attitude for German keyboard

  • Left hand: A, S, D, F
  • Right hand: J, K, L, Ö

On almost every newer keyboard ( keys orientation ) is a small survey ( a sensing point) attached to sense with your index fingers to the home position on the F and J keys.

Operation of the keys

  • Pinky left: Q A Y < 1 2 ^
  • Ring finger left: W S X 3
  • Middle finger left: E D C 4
  • Index finger on the left: R F V T G B 5 6
  • Thumb left: Spacebar
  • Pinky right: P Ö - Ü Ä ß ' #
  • Ring finger right: O L. 0
  • Right middle finger: I K, 9
  • Right index finger: Z H N U Y M 7 8
  • Thumb right: Spacebar

Since the Control, Alt, Alt Gr and Windows keys and menu ( or Command / Alt on Apple keyboards ) did not occur on the original typewriters, they do not belong to the ten- finger system. They are also mainly for entering text data is not required - and this is the sense of touch typing. The control key can be operated most comfortable with the little finger. The Alt keys are on the newer Windows PC keyboards to reach with the thumb ( with the three Windows keys) (which still accounts for the fact that the Alt and AltGr key have different functions and are not interchangeable ). The users of Apple as well as the older ( non-Windows ) PC keyboards would rather prefer the little finger.

The Shift key is, if necessary, always with the hand operated, are not currently serving a character key.

Modifications of the ten-finger system

In some countries (eg the United States) that touch typing is taught something different. The difference relates to the upper row of keys. The little finger of the left served the button on the left edge and the 1 key, ring finger - 2, middle finger - 3, index finger - 4 and 5 fingers of the right hand are used for the following keys: index finger - 6 and 7, middle finger - 8, ring finger - 9, Pinky - 0 and the remaining keys to the right of the 0 key in practice, it only plays in making (or choice ) of the so-called ergonomic keyboards where the keyboard is split down the middle, a role.

Alternative keyboard layouts

→ Main article: Keyboard Layout

The normal QWERTY keyboard layout is criticized as not ergonomic. So just lies the right hand in resting position on buttons for statistically infrequent letters. The J occurs, for example only at a frequency of 0.27 %, while the most common letters E ( 17.4% ) and N ( 9.8%) are of relatively poor positions. Nevertheless, alternative assignments are not widespread. Most famous is the Dvorak keyboard layout. Another, which is particularly optimized for the German language out is the Neo keyboard layout.
