Tough Guy Competition

The Tough Guy Race (german for "Hard guy race ") is a held annually since 1986 Steeplechase near the city of Wolverhampton, near Birmingham. It was developed by Billy Wilson, who designed formerly of the Royal Grenadier Guards training camps for elite troops. Deadline each year is the fifth Sunday in January.

The race covers a distance of 15 km on a 150 acre property. Heart form the so-called " Killing Fields ". Here 21 difficult obstacles must be overcome. Participants must crawl under barbed wire through mud 50 cm high, crawl through tunnels from one meter circumference, dive under a wooden bridge in icy ponds, climbing to ten meters in height, abseiling from three meters in height and by crawling under an electric fence. Finally, the participants have to run through burning hay bales. In 2004, only 2,895 of 6,000 participants to the finish.

2009, the course was extended to 3 km. Compared to previous years, it was the year also significantly colder (-8 ° C).

The participation fee (depending on the time of registration from about 80 € ) various charitable organizations benefit (Mouse Farm - animal welfare organization in Wolverhampton, British Cancer Aid and others).

In 2011, the race for the first time won by a foreigner, the Göttingen medical students Knut Hohler. 2012 and 2013, defended the German his title.

In 2014 was the winner of German from Saalfeld originating Sport Management Student Charles Franzke.

Tough Guy Race 2006

Tough Guy Race 2005

Underwater tunnel in the Tough Guy Race 2006
