Toulouse Observatory

The Observatoire de Toulouse is an observatory in Toulouse, France. It was founded in 1733 by the Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres de Toulouse and re- erected in 1841 in Jolimont district. The device still bears the name of the Observatoire de Jolimont, and was built in 1875 equipped with one of the then largest telescope, a 83cm reflecting telescope. Astronomical observations have been outsourced by 1908 increasingly on the Pic du Midi de Bigorre due to the better visibility and 1970, abandoned entirely in Toulouse. The observatory went up again in 1981 in new buildings on the campus of the University Paul Sabatier in Rangueil district and has been combined with other facilities since then under the name Observatoire Midi -Pyrénées. The decor in Jolimont has been managed since 1984 by the Société d' Astronomy Populaire de Toulouse.

Directors have included Félix Tisserand, 1873-1878 and Benjamin Baillaud 1879-1908.
