Toxic oil syndrome

The Spanish oil syndrome ( engl. Toxic Oil Syndrome ( TOS), Spanish síndrome del aceite tóxico ), created in 1981 as a result of mass poisoning by contaminated cooking oil. This diseased approximately 20,000 people, more than 200 died a short time later.


Denatured with aniline rapeseed oil was marketed as edible oil in the trade and sold in Spain from street vendors.


Among other things, the following symptoms occurred:

  • Myalgia (general muscle pain )
  • Peripheral eosinophilia ( mitochondria wealth in the blood )
  • Pulmonary ( accumulation of fluid and cellular components in the lung)
  • Scleroderma ( Bindegewebsverhärtung the skin alone or skin and internal organs )


The exact mechanism of poisoning and thus the toxic agent is still unclear. After the aniline hypothesis has not been confirmed, including a connection with fatty acid esters of 3 will now - (N- phenylamino ) -1,2- propanediol (PAP ) and autoimmune mechanisms discussed.
