Tracy Kidder

John Tracy Kidder ( born November 12, 1945 in New York City ) is an American author.

Kidder was educated at Harvard, where in 1967 he earned his bachelor 's degree. Then he was up in 1969 as a lieutenant in Vietnam and then studied creative writing at the famous Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa; He received the degree of Master of Fine Arts in 1974. Soon after, he started his long working for The Atlantic Monthly. He is married and lives in Massachusetts.

His book The Soul of a New Machine (1981 ) earned him the 1982 Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and made him known worldwide. He describes in it the work of a development team to Tom West, the new one at Data General minicomputer (Eclipse MV/8000, project name Eagle) developed, which came on the market in 1980. It is a textbook example of a report from the world of the computer industry.

In Mountains Beyond Mountains (2003) he describes the efforts of the American physician and anthropologist Paul Farmer, build a health care system for the poor in Haiti. Kidder portrayed him first in 2000 for The New Yorker and developed his 2003 published book. In Strength in what remains he tells the story of a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda, who comes through private means of Americans in New York, studied medicine there and later founded a clinic in Burundi. In Old Friends (1993 ), he tells the stories and the coexistence of the residents of a nursing home in Northampton, Massachusetts, a small town, which he describes in his book Home Town ( 1999). He also wrote a documentary book about the experiences of new homeowners ( The House, 1985, The German House ) and to the experience of a school teacher in Massachusetts ( Among School Children, 1989), which received the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. His Vietnam experiences he describes in My Detachment.


  • The soul of a new machine (The Soul of a New Machine ), Birkhauser, Basel [u a ] 1982, ISBN 3-7643-1341-2, Paperback Rowohlt 1984
  • The house, Rowohlt, Reinbek 1987, ISBN 3-498-03448-0.
  • Old Friends in 1993
  • Among School Children, Avon Books, 1990, ISBN 0380710897 (English)
  • Home Town, Random House, 1999, ISBN 0671785214 (English)
  • Mountains Beyond Mountains: Healing the World: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, Random House, 2003, ISBN 0375506160 (English)
  • My Detachment - a memoir, Random House 2004
  • My way to Amahoro, Munich, Kailash Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3-424-63029-9 (English original: Strength in What Remains, Random House, 2009)