Traffic ticket

A warning is a penalisation of minor offenses pursuant to § § 56 ff of the German Law on Administrative ( Administrative Offences Act ). It can be connected with or without imposition of a caution money ( § 56 Administrative Offences Act ). It can be made orally or in writing.

The written warning, particularly in road traffic law is almost always associated with an order to pay between 5 and 35 EUR.

Offences of stationary traffic in absence of owner or registered user can be identified by an information sheet, which is attached to the vehicle - a written warning is usually followed by post. Colloquially these are called reference list according to the region also speeding ticket, protocol, or nodules.

Written warnings

In the written warning, there are two options:

  • Payment by bank transfer form
  • The payment on the spot on the authority

In cases where the data subject is a warning or if he pays the amount within the prescribed week period, a decision on the accusation of offense in a formal administrative fine proceedings. It is then usually issued a penalty notice, which is additionally connected to fees and expenses. When the vehicle stops and parking offenses ( in stationary traffic ) where the driver ( offender ) can not be determined, there is also a bear costs for the car holder according to § 25a StVG ( owner liability ). With the full and timely payment of caution money the warning is effective and the process is completed. You can not subsequently be reviewed in the legal and factual aspects by the administrative authority or jurisdiction.

Tracking hindrance

An effective given warning with fixing a caution money provides a tracking obstacle to a fine method for the penalized with caution criminal act constitutes a warning without caution money does not constitute persecution obstacle to the prosecution authority is ( § 56 para 4, para 1 sentence 1 OWiG ).

Prosecution authority

The prosecution authorities, insofar as they are not defined in the law (eg, violations of the Foreign Trade Law, the criminal case points after HZAZustVO competent customs offices ), defined in corresponding jurisdiction regulations of the federal states (eg in Baden- Württemberg, the Code of Administrative Offences - jurisdiction Regulation - OWiZuVO or in Bavaria, the Regulation on jurisdiction in misdemeanor cases - ZuVOWiG ). The enforcement of traffic offenses with caution money are usually

Warnings with warning monetary payment requests are not chargeable warnings because they do not include costs for law.
