Train order operation

The move command is an essential safety element of the railway.


The move command in a wider sense is the call of the Dispatcher at the driver, driving into a track section. The move command is to prevent an already busy section of track is traveled by a second railway vehicle and it leads to a risk of railway operation, the user of the railway or railway vehicles.

The move command in the narrower sense is the (usually ) written instructions from the dispatcher to the driver, driving into a track section.


The move command in a broad sense can be given in various forms. As a rule, this is done by signals.

The written motion command, so the run command in the narrower sense is issued or held by either the driver by the Dispatcher passed directly or by being transmitted via radio in writing by an appropriate form. In the latter case, the driver logs the instructions given on the form provided for this purpose and reads finally the dispatcher once before, so that it can check if the driver has understood everything correctly. Such written driving instruction may be required, for example interference of signals or level crossings, if you want to run into a track section, contrary to the existing signals.

Particularly interesting are driving commands in passenger stations, since they require two commands in the rule:

  • On the one hand the exit signal, which enables the subsequent section of track,
  • The other is the exit signal is given when all the doors of the train have been closed. The exit signal can be played either by a light signal or a green - white trowel, the command bar. The latter, by the dispatcher or by train conductors done about at breakpoints and stations without local dispatcher ( in Germany is now the rule). Is not a conductor on the train, the driver, the departure signal can also give yourself.


High trailer loads and relatively high speed in railway operations have long stopping distances result. In general, therefore, the braking distance of a railway vehicle is longer than the viewable from the driver's route. A Drive on sight, like traffic, therefore is not possible. Therefore, security of the driver needs to know that to be traversed by him track section -free, so it is not occupied by another vehicle. This is done by the run command.

The move command further serves to monitor the movement of trains, so that past decisions of the Dispatcher traced and the following and crossing trains can be safely controlled.

A driving without a run command is only permitted if it is provided in the operation of the respective railway track ( permissive driving).


The term " run command " comes from the military. The railways were organized hierarchically and military similar in their origin in Germany, so that the term was formed from the marching orders of the analog.

Legal basis

Legal basis for the move command in the narrower sense, the written motion command, the DB Group Directive (formerly regulation ) ( " Trains and rank " ) 408, § 408.0411 and 408.0412.

  • Railway operation
  • Command