
Transnational referred

  • In political science, the fact that relations between members of populations of different states exist, in contrast to international relations between states themselves ( ie, their governments ) exist. Examples are relations between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and religious groups, or more generally all economic and cultural relations that are not mediated by States. Transnational actors are thus social actors who operate across national borders. These may include transnational organization are counted ( For example, aid agencies, business enterprises ), as well as social networks (eg, terrorist networks ) and social movements (for example, critics of globalization ) are referred to as trans- national, if their structures are independent of state mediation in several states.
  • In migration sociology called transnational migration is a behavior in which no off and change the migrants permanently from one country to another to immigrate and assimilate into the society or develop there own subculture, but in a more or less short intervals between these two states - see transnationalism;
  • In historiography called transnational history a research perspective, in which the perspective of the nation-state fixed and limited interpretation of history, a national history goes.
  • In the literature and cultural studies, in particular the English / American Studies and postcolonial studies, such texts and cultural artifacts as a trans- national, which can not be attributed to a single, national cultural space, but allow their production and reception of a transnational effect. Partly as a result of migration, exile, diaspora and transculturation represented writers and cultural workers a transnational and trans- local cultural poetics. Add Nations Unbound Linda Basch et al. Note that transnational identities of subjects themselves can not be fully articulated, but "only in contemporary fiction [ ... ] this state of ' in - betweenness ' has been fully voiced ".