Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi

The Treaty of Hünkar İskelesi (also Unkiar Skelessi; Russian Ункяр - Искелесийский договор ) was a 1833 closed between Russia and the Ottoman Empire contract in the wake of the Russo- Ottoman War of 1828-1829.


Muhammad Ali of Egypt, only formally a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, carried out in late 1831 renewed his army in a war against the Ottoman sultan, Mahmud II, to take dominion over Palestine, Syria and Arabia. He quickly overcame the Ottoman forces and now threatened Constantinople Opel. While Britain and France against Muhammad Ali showed benevolent, seconded Tsar Nicholas I. Russian army in support of the Ottomans. This intervention forced Muhammad Ali to renounce on 4 May in 1833 on a further advance in the Treaty of Kutahya; However, he was given dominion over Syria, among others.

The contract

On July 8, 1833 Russia and the Ottoman Empire signed the Treaty of Hünkar İskelesi in which it in case of attack by a foreign power assurances regarding each other mutual assistance. However, a secret articles gave birth to the Ottoman Empire from the obligation to deployment of military forces; Instead, it would prevent the passage of all non-Russian ships through the Dardanelles.

Britain and France met the contract with suspicion - they feared that he would give Russia a free hand to send warships through the Dardanelles. These concerns, however, were weakened by the 1841 Dardanelles Treaty.
