Treaty of Prague (1973)

The Prague Treaty (Treaty on Mutual Relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic) from 1973 was concluded between the Federal Republic of Germany and Czechoslovakia. The contract was part of the German Ostpolitik, one of the Eastern treaties. He was signed on 11 December 1973 ( from the German side of Chancellor Willy Brandt and Foreign Minister Walter Scheel, of Czechoslovakian side of the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Bohuslav Lubomir Strougal Chňoupek ). The " German - Czechoslovak treaty" came with the ratification on 17 December 1973 in force.


The agreement declared the nullity of the Munich Agreement of 1938, the cession of the Sudetenland. Problematic aspects, such as the issue of compensation and rights of German refugees were excluded.

In the agreement, the parties referred to the Charter of the United Nations and declared no territorial claims against each other to have confessed to the inviolability of their common border. A future cooperation in the fields of economy, science, scientific-technical relations, culture, environment, sports, traffic and their other relationships was also provided.

Still to this day, the diplomatic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and Czechoslovakia were taken.


The Treaty of Prague met with resistance and disappointment on the part of the Sudetenland from the displaced persons and led to a wave of party outlets.
