Tree diagram

A tree diagram (also: tree graph, Stemma, branching diagram ) is a graph showing each other (ie, their relationship or hierarchical dependencies) illustrating the relationships between individual elements of a network by connecting lines. The name is derived from the branched structure of these representations.

It differs depending on the application:

A special form of the tree diagram, the dendrogram, wherein in addition to the number of branches and the length and / or thickness of the edges ( the connection lines between the individual elements of the network nodes are referred to ) is used as the characterizing parameters. An example of this are the phylogenetic trees, with those in the theory of evolution, the long-term population dynamics is presented.

In graph theory, these different types are grouped under the term tree and its individual characteristics investigated theoretically.

Tree diagrams are also used in the calculation of probabilities for the representation of multi-stage random experiments, such as urn models.
