Tree of Life, Bahrain

25.99416666666750.582916666667Koordinaten: 25 ° 59 ' 39 " N, 50 ° 34' 58.5 " E

Schadscharat al - Haya (Arabic شجرة الحياة, DMG šaǧarat al - Hayah, tree of life ' ) is the name of a 400 year old Mesquite tree Prosopis cineraria the type ( Khejribaum ) in Bahrain, which is considered natural wonders and one of the main represents tourist attractions in the country. The single tree is located on the main island of the island nation, about two kilometers from the Jabal ad - Duchan, the highest point in the country.

It is not clear where the tree gets its water; the nearest water is 1.2 km away.

The tree is mentioned in the film LA Story as a tree of life.
