Tri Yann

Tri Yann is a French folk and folk-rock group from Brittany. In addition to the interpretation of traditional Breton songs she has become known beyond France with their own songs.


The band was founded in 1971 by Bernard Baudriller, Jean -Louis Jossic, Jean Chocun and Jean -Paul Corbineau. Since three of the members Jean ( or Breton Yann ) were called, they chose the original name of Tri Yann on Naoned ( German: "Three Yanns from Nantes " ), which was then shortened to Tri Yann. Tri Yann is now one of eight musicians (as of 2009 ).


Tri Yann are next to Alan Stivell the most famous interpreters Breton music in France. In addition to traditional topics Tri Yann also process and contemporary political issues in their songs, such as Le Soleil est Noir (1978), which deals with the effects of the oil spill following the sinking of the Amoco Cadiz on the coast of Brittany. The title Aloïda on the 1995 released album Portraits tackles the problem of honor killings among Muslim immigrants.

Most of her singing songs Tri Yann in the French language, which is also the native language of the musicians. With the fact that they still define themselves as Bretons, and what this means for them, the piece La découverte ou l' ignorance sets apart: " Le breton est -il ma langue maternelle / Non: je suis né à Nantes où. ? parle pas le on ne (...) / Suis -je breton même / Vraiment, je le crois et m'en expliquerai ( ... ) "( German: " Is that my native language Breton / No, I 'm? born in Nantes, where you do not speak it. (...) / am I still Breton? / Truly, I think so, and I will explain myself (...) " ) so

Known titles

Some of the most common titles of Tri Yann: La equitation de Michao, Si mort à mors, Kan ar Can, Kan Alarc'h, Guerre, guerre, vente, vent, Les Filles des Forges, Pelot d' Hennebont and Les prisons de Nantes.



