Triad (sociology)

The triad is a basic model in sociology. Many social relations are therefore between two individuals ( dyad ) is not possible, but occur only from three persons on ( triad).


In sociology, there is a long, on Georg Simmel (1908 ) tradition going back triadic thinking. Under the heading " The quantitative determination of the group" he opens the sociological thinking and research horizon for the question of what importance numerically determined social constellations for social life. Simmel shows that the transition from two to three is not merely a quantitative increase, but a new quality.

Function of the model

The figure of the third party, according to Simmel, a social archetype or the nucleus of the social per se Simmel analyzes three " typical grouping forms ", which are not possible with two elements, on the other hand, at a more-than - three - number be extended only quantitatively, without to change their shape type. This basic sociological forms of the triad are

  • The referee and the mediator,
  • The Tertius gaudens ( the laughing third parties) and
  • The figure of the divide et impera ( divide and rule ).

Current Research

In the post - Simmel 's sociology, there are more studies on triadic constellations, such as the intrigue, the mystery or the excellent analysis of the triadic figuration authority, representation and coalition. Buhl put a triadic foundation of the conflict sociology, Allert founded the triad as a central category of family sociology, Tietel developed a triadic approach to the analysis of the operational working relationships. Fischer and Lindemann operate with the figure of third parties ( third party ) theory systematically within the sociological theory.
