Trial separation

Separated Life describes the situation in the marriage law, in which a couple no domestic community, mensa et toro Latin for table and bed, makes more and marital cohabitation declines. In addition to the objective law feature of the spatial and rem a subjective separation must be added, which manifests itself in the documented towards the outside request of at least one spouse will no longer wished to live with the other.

German law

In the German marriage law this situation is defined in § 1567 of the Civil Code. Fiscally the beginning of the separation by the change in the tax class IV in the current year and tax class can be documented in the following on the separation calendar year on the control card. For this purpose, the registration office a statement shall be given to family status.

In the case of living apart can cause an apartment assignment that will be negotiated on the basis of an application before the Family Court.

See also: Divorce

  • Marriage law ( Germany )