Tribe 8 (role-playing game)

Tribe 8 is a book published in 1998 pen & paper role-playing game publisher Dream Pod 9, which already drew attention to himself by the publication of the tabletop system Heavy Gear. In 2003, a second edition, and there were some rule extension and source books. A German edition appeared in 2000 HivePress.

Tribe 8 plays in an end time world that contains a mixture of fantasy and science fiction. Even though there are advanced technologies, which, however, are hardly known, and if they are applied, can be highly unreliable and quite dangerous ( explode weapons, automobiles go very quickly broken, etc.). In general, the characters and NPCs are far more likely to have these techniques and archaic objects. In addition, but everyone has some kind of magic that is called " Synthesis" and is awarded by godlike beings called Fatima. Mankind has lived for many years in the suppression of the mysterious race of Z'Bri about which one knows very little, sometimes they are referred to as aliens and partially negative as a kind of mirror image of humanity. People freed themselves largely on the Z'Bri and now live in seven strains organize, which all follow a Fatima and have different synthesis forces.

The player characters are mostly outcasts from the tribes which thus form a mysterious eighth tribe over which the rest of the population only a little white and wants to know even less.

Geographically, the game world ( Vimary ) in Canada, settled around Montreal.
