
Trichocera hiemalis

The winter mosquitoes ( Trichoceridae ) are a family of two-winged flies (Diptera ) and belong to the flies ( Nematocera ).

  • 3.1 Central European species ( selection)


The most common type of winter mosquitoes is Trichocera annulata with a height of four to seven millimeters. The mouthparts of the animals are severely degenerated, about the type of food intake, however, is not known. For humans, they are completely harmless and do not sting him. Through their Langbeinigkeit they resemble small mosquitoes ( Tipulidae ) or Stelzmücken ( Limoniidae ).

Resistance to winter

The winter Mosquitoes are very sensitive to cold and to find accordingly, especially in the winter months and at altitudes of over 3000 meters. Scientific studies have shown that in the Körperflüsssigkeit this frost- resistant mosquitoes are glycerin -like substances. These act as antifreeze, and prevent freezing through the mosquitoes with a tearing of tissues and cells. Of all other frost resistant insects it draws the winter especially mosquitoes out that they can already develop activities at just above 0 ° C. To accommodate even the lowest radiant heat in the winter, her body has a dark gray color and its transparent wings in addition have almost black veins. The males of the animals form especially on sunny winter days and early spring dance schools.


The larvae of the winter mosquitoes have a fully trained head capsule, so they are eucephal. They live mainly in soil under leaf litter and feed on decaying plant debris. Some species live in feces and are koprophag, such as some cave-dwelling species in the feces of bats. For breathing only the foremost and the rearmost Stigmenpaar are open, all others are closed by a Stigmennarbe ( amphipneustisch ). Also provided with short Thorakalhörnchen dolls live in the ground and work his own business before hatching of the imago to the surface.


The winter mosquitoes are the sister taxon of Tipuloidea and are presented with and the Triassic Gnomuscidae together in the partial order Tipulomorpha, which in turn is the sister taxon of all other Diptera.

Worldwide, about 110 species of this animal group, only 12 species are known from Germany.

Central European species ( selection)

  • Trichocera relegationis
  • Trichocera annulata
  • Trichocera hiemalis

Fossil evidence

Fossil evidence of this family are extremely rare. The earliest evidence dates from the Jurassic of Central Asia. Some specimens have been found in Baltic amber, of which at least two members of the extant genus Trichocera.

