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Electron micrograph of a Trichodina on the gills of a mullet

Trichodina is a widespread protozoan parasite belonging to the group of ciliates ( ciliates ).


They live on the skin of the fish and are as large as 30-90 microns. The characteristic body shape is reminiscent of the side of a UFO from above using a circular saw.

Infection and symptoms

Trichodina sp. moved with the aid of their eyelashes by rotation about its own axis forward and can cause severe infection secondary bacterial infections, which manifest themselves, in contrast to healthy fish, by matt and not shiny scales. Other symptoms of diseased fish are a thickening and consequent slight graying of the mucosa, terminals of the fins, chafing at decoration as well as a more rapid breathing, which arises because the fish tries to protect itself by thicker mucous membranes against the parasite, while the mucous membranes the gills which leads to a deterioration of the respiratory capacity.


For treatment there is in the pet trade a number of freely available drugs. Usually one treatment is sufficient, since Trichodinen multiply by division and all reproductive stages are killed simultaneously.

  • Ciliates
  • Ciliophora