
The Trichofolliculoma is a benign tumor of the appendages of the skin. Clinically, it appears as about 0.5 cm papule in appearance, often with a central tuft of hair escaping, which is filled inside with horny substance.


Trichofollikulome occur in humans, especially in the neck and head area adult.

In guinea pigs, it is the most common skin tumor (→ guinea pig diseases).


Histologically a Trichofolliculoma is characterized by one or more extended hair follicles that are surrounded by other hair follicles. In the cystic cavity is found horny substance or vellus hairs, occasionally rudimentary hair follicles, sebaceous glands and Epithelzellstränge. Is very much sebaceous glands present, it is called a Talgdrüsentrichofollikulom. The tumor is surrounded by a cell-rich connective tissue.


Treatment is by surgical removal.
