
The Third World Publishing was one of the best known publication houses of the protest and alternative movement of the 1968 's. It was founded in 1967 by two members of the SDS, Herbert Röttgen - founded in Cologne and Gisela Erler, and shortly thereafter relocated to Munich - later his Autorenpseudonym Victor Trimondi accepted as the name.

Called Third World after 1968 a loose anti-dogmatic group dedicated to the Karam Khella. She spoke programmatically from the " Tricontinental Asia - Africa - Latin America" ​​and of the "Third World " and practiced thus on the thinking of the West German left a strong influence. In its presentation of " Islam as the main religion of the oppressed masses and peoples in the Third World " played an important role .. They later gave a magazine of the same name out.

The first publications

First, the publishing house published the liberation movements of the Third World ( South America, Cuba, Africa, Vietnam) and the American Protest Movements writings (Black Panther), including a German translation of the famous Bolivian diary of Che Guevara. Other authors of this publication phase were Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Régis Debray, Rudi Dutschke

Besides its own publishing production spread Trikont books, magazines, posters and records from the People's Republic of China, including Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong ( " Mao Bible ").

The name of Third World is said to derive from the Cuban internationalism magazine Tricontinental, which was said to be very popular with the students.

1974 decided 18 women from the women's movement Munich to publish critical publications to make them accessible for all women, including women's Journal. In addition, the publishing house published the series Frauenoffensive: Texts of the German, American, English, Italian and French women's movement. A little later, the editors of the series Frauenoffensive founded under the same name the first autonomous feminist publishing in the Federal Republic. Here About the Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote in 1999 under the title The sweet poison of feminism.

Third World was also the publication house that published the relevant writings of the so-called Sponti movement, that radical libertarian alternative and extra-parliamentary youth opposition of the 70s, to the then Minister Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn- Bendit, both Trikont authors included. From 1973, the publisher was the " house journal" Spontis out: Autonomy - materials to the factory society.

The case Bommi Baumann

How many of the small, left-wing publishers that time published the Third World publishing books that reflected the " armed resistance " against fascism and colonialism and the " revolutionary violence " as a means of radical social change. The violence issue was differentiated from the beginning and controversy in the publishing team, especially later in the journal " autonomy" are discussed. As with many of her colleagues and fellow publisher, the increasing escalation of the RAF terror at Röttgen Herbert and Gisela Erler to the conclusion to reject " revolutionary violence " as a means of politics. They demonstrated their change of heart, brought out by inter alia: the autobiography Bommi Baumann How it all began. Baumann, a former member of the left terrorist group Movement 2 June pleaded with convincing testimonials for an exit from the scene armed ( "Comrades, throw the gun away !"). Many intellectuals, including a prominent place Heinrich Böll, saw in the book the most authentic contribution to stop the spiral of violence.

Before the publication of How everything began publisher Röttgen received several death threats from the RAF milieu. He decided yet for publication. Paradoxically caused the Bavarian prosecutor to ban the book. The publisher Röttgen and Erler were charged because the text allegedly aufriefe to violence, although he did just the opposite. In the rooms of the Third World publishing house, in many bookstores and private apartments house searches were carried out in order to confiscate the book. The much acclaimed trial of the two publishers lasted three years and all instances. It ended in 1978 with a full acquittal.

In the meantime, was one of the most spectacular campaigns to a banned book held since 1945. Herbert Röttgen had a reprint edition of How to organize all began, which was not published by the Third World publishing house, but of more than 400 well-known people, publishers, booksellers, printers and institutions, among others, Jean -Paul Sartre, Peter Handke, Wolfgang Abendroth, Bernt Engelmann, Inge Feltrinelli, Helmut Gollwitzer, Jakob Moneta, Luise Rinser, Alice Schwarzer, Peter Weiss and Gerhard Zwerenz. During the court ban the Third World Edition 1975-1978 Reprint of was available in bookstores and became a bestseller.

With the Baumann- memoirs after - esoteric phase of the publisher begins. The Duisburg TRIKONT publisher Bernd Kalus produced since pop - theoretical, socio-historical and theatrical literature.

Other Publications

With the Third World -Verlag publishers Herbert Röttgen, Gisela Erler and the publishing team created a trendsetter in the protest and alternative literature: in it the earliest German-language books and translations appeared to feminism, for Grey Panther movement, on the homosexual and men's movement to various alternative forms of life to oppressed peoples, the new Indian movement for regionalism. Well-known authors and titles ( " revolutionary classics " of that time ) were: Rudi Dutschke: The Long March (1968); Daniel Cohn- Bendit: The Great Bazaar ( 1975); Rainer Langhans and Fritz Teufel: Steal Me (1977 ); Jerry Rubin: Do it (1976); Volker Elis Pilgrim: Manifesto for the free man (1977). "A special call Trikont has made with profound and dazzling compilations nigh obskurser genres and little-noticed species ," Michael Scheiner wrote in "New Day " on 27 September 2007.

In the late 1970s the Third World -Verlag changed his program and published topics that were later classified under the term New Age. To view the new alignment, the publisher was renamed Dianus - Trikont -Verlag. Gisela Erler was eliminated, Herbert Röttgen remained and led the publisher continued together with the French writer Christiane Singer ( Thurn - Valsassina ). The Trikont record label Our voice has now around 300 albums of different styles of music released: from singer-songwriters and rock music punk rock, swamp music, klezmer and other folklore adaptations to children's music.
