Trinh T. Minh-ha

Trinh T. Minh -ha ( born 1952 in Hanoi, Vietnam ) is a postcolonial difference theorist, composer and filmmaker.

Born in Vietnam, Trinh 1970 emigrated to the United States after they had studied in Vietnam and the Philippines. She studied composition, ethnomusicology, and French literature at the University of Illinois, Champaign - Urbana, where she MFA the and Ph.D. Degree was awarded. She is currently working as a Chancellor's Distinguished Professor of Women 's Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and associate professor of cinema at San Francisco State University. She has taught at Harvard University and Smith, at the University of Illinois and at the National Conservatory of Music in Senegal.

As a difference theorist it was, inter alia, with her book Women, Native, Other (1989 ) is known. There she goes the " question of identity as a paradigm of a Western binary logic of domination " after. Then " identity on the basis of a difference of essentialization formed " will.

  • Un Art sans oeuvre, ou, l' anonymat dans les arts contemporains ( International Book Publishers, Inc., 1981)
  • African Spaces - Designs for Living in Upper Volta ( with Jean -Paul Bourdier, Holmes & Meier, 1985)
  • En minuscules ( book of poems, Le Meridien Edition 1987)
  • Woman, Native, Other. Writing postcoloniality and feminism (Indiana University Press, 1989)
  • (Edited together with Cornel West, R. Ferguson and M. Gever New York.: New Museum of Contemporary Art and MIT Press, 1990) marginalization in Contemporary Culture: Out There
  • When the Moon Waxes Red Representation, gender and cultural politics ( Routledge 1991)
  • Framer Framed ( Routledge 1992)
  • Drawn from African Dwellings (Indiana University Press, 1996) with Jean -Paul Bourdier
  • Cinema Interval ( Routledge 1999)
  • The Digital Film Event ( Routledge 2005)
  • . " Woman Native Other -. Postcolonialism and Feminism write. " Edited and with an introduction by Anna Babka, in collaboration with Matthias Schmidt. From the American Kathrina Menke. Vienna: turia & kant 2010.
  • Babka, Anna: Introduction. In: Trinh T Minh -ha: Postcolonialism and Feminism writing. Edited and with a foreword by Anna Babka. Translated by Kathrina Menke. Assisted by Matthias Schmidt. Vienna / Berlin: Turia & Kant, 2010, 9-24. [ Article in pdf]